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Sandblasting technology Sablux - Special units - Staellite system type Typ SX 140

Satellite system type SX 140

A satellite system is suitable for optimal processing of rotationally constant and/or congeneric workpieces. The dimension of the system is adapted to the component, where the lock passage and the nozzle clearance are the key criteria. The workpieces are put through areas divided into blast and blow off sectors. 

typ sx 140The component is always advanced to the blast guns and blasted in front of them. The rotational movement (satellite) continues in the blow-off sectore. The amterials the ystem components are made of, and the expansion of the tratment and control, guarantee the cusomer will have a concept based exactly on their needs and the respective product.

typ sx 140Parts can be equipped or removed manually, so semi-automated or by a handling system (robot, pick & place).